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Timeboxing Model

In the timeboxing model, the basic unit of development is a time box, which  is of fixed duration. Since the duration is fixed, a key factor in selecting the  requirements or features to be built in a time box is what can be fit into the time  box. This is in contrast to regular iterative approaches where the functionality  is selected and then the time to deliver is determined. Timeboxing changes  the perspective of development and makes the schedule a nonnegotiable and a  high-priority commitment. Figure : Executing the timeboxing process model. Timeboxing is well suited for projects that require a large number of features  to be developed in a short time around a stable architecture using stable  technologies. These features should be such that there is some flexibility in  grouping them for building a meaningful system in an iteration that provides  value to the users.

Rational Unified Process

RUP proposes that development of software be divided into cycles, each cycle delivering a fully working system. Generally, each cycle is executed as a separate project whose goal is to deliver some additional capability to an existing system (built by the previous cycle). Hence, for a project, the process for a cycle forms the overall process. Each cycle itself is broken into four consecutive phases: – Inception phase – Elaboration phase – Construction phase – Transition phase Figure: The RUP model. One key difference of RUP from other models is that it has separated the  phases from the tasks and allows multiple of these subprocesses to function  within a phase. In waterfall (or waterfall-based iterative model), a phase within  a process was linked to a particular task performed by some process like requirements,  design, etc.

Iterative Development

The iterative development process model counters the third and fourth limitations of the waterfall model and tries to combine the benefits of both prototyping and the waterfall model. The basic idea is that the software should be developed in increments, each increment adding some functional capability to the system until the full system is implemented. The iterative enhancement model  is an example of this approach. In the first step of this model, a simple initial implementation is done for a subset of the overall problem. Figure: The iterative enhancement model. The iterative approach is becoming extremely popular, despite some difficulties  in using it in this context. There are a few key reasons for its increasing  popularity. First and foremost, in today’s world clients do not want to invest too  much without seeing returns. In the current business scenario, it is preferable  to see returns continuously of the investment made. Figure: Iterative delivery approach.


             The purpose of prototyping based development process is to fight the first limitation of the waterfall model. The basic idea here is that instead of freezing the requirements before a design or coding can proceed, a disposable prototype is built to help you understand the requirements. Prototype development experience designing, coding, and testing, but each of these phases is not done very formally or thoroughly. By using this prototype, the client can get the actual feel of the system, which can enable clients to better understand the requirements of the desired system.     Figure. The prototyping model.            Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or existing system to help determine the requirements. Prototype development usually begins when the initial version of the specification requirements document has been developed. Once the prototype has been developed, end-users and clients a

Waterfall Model

The simplest model of the process is the waterfall model, which states that the phase arranged in a linear sequence. This model was originally proposed by Royce. In this model, a project started with a feasibility analysis. Having successfully demonstrated the feasibility of the project, requirements analysis and project planning begins. design starts after the requirements analysis is complete, and coding begins after the design is complete.          Once programming is complete, the code is integrated and testing is done. Upon successful completion of testing, the system is installed. After this, the regular operation and maintenance of the system takes place. The basic idea behind the phase separation of concerns is one phase deals with a set of distinct and separate from worries. By doing this, a large and complex task of building software is divided into smaller tasks (which, by itself, is quite complex) of the specific requirements, doing design, etc. Separating concerns and f

Sekilas Tentang Komputer

Tentu anda sudah mengetahui apa itu yang namanya komputer, komputer adalah suatu perangkat elektronik yang terdiri dari berbagai macam komponen yang semuanya saling mendukung kerja sistem komputer. Zaman sekarang komputer merupakan sesuatu yang mutlak yang harus diketahui oleh setiap orang karena komputer erat kaitannya dengan perkembangan teknologi di dunia, seperti kita lihat bahwa berbagai peralatan elektronika sekarang tidak menggunakan sistem analog lagi seperti dulu tetapi sekarang banyak peralatan elektronika yang sudah beralih ke sistem digital yang memiliki fungsi dan filtur yang lebih canggih, dengan perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat maka merupakan kewajiban bagi kita untuk selalu bersikap dinamis dalam menyikapi perkembangan tersebut. Komputer memiliki banyak manfaat yang tujuannya untuk membantu manusia dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan cepat dan lebih mudah bahkan semua pekerjaan yang seharusnya kita kerjakan dapat dikerjakan oleh komputer seperti robot y